Student Nutrition Program
Improving the learning capacity, health and well-being of children by ensuring access to healthy food.
As the lead agency the YMCA of Three Rivers provides leadership for Student Nutrition Programs in the Central West Region of Ontario. We support community organizations within this service area, including Wellington/Dufferin/Guelph, Halton, Peel, and Waterloo Regions.

What are Student Nutrition Programs?
Student Nutrition Programs are committed to improving children’s learning capacity, health and well-being by ensuring access to healthy food through school or community-based nutrition programs. In Central West Region there are over 600 active programs providing service to 56,000 children. These programs are supported by 14,000 dedicated volunteers and a community partner organization in each region.
Each community organization is managed by a Board of Directors or Advisory Committee comprised of individuals from health, service organizations, education, and the business community. All of these people care about nutrition and health. They are responsible for the strategic, financial and personnel management of the service.
The Province of Ontario provides funding for programs to purchase food and provide administrative support. The Province has also provided guidance in developing nutritional guidelines to ensure that programs meet children’s nutritional needs.
Visit the Student Nutrition Central West Ontario Website
The National School Food Program
A Statement from Student Nutrition Ontario on April 1, 2024
Student Nutrition Ontario (SNO) is excited about the creation of a National School Food Program and the commitment from the Federal government to invest $1 billion dollars over 5 years to make this a reality. We are very pleased that the Federal Government intends to move quickly and have the funding rolled out by September 2024, because we know that Ontario kids can’t wait.
It’s a great start, and there is much work to do. The 14 Lead Agencies that make up Student Nutrition Ontario’s collaborative partnership are well-positioned throughout the province to make sure the National School Food Program has an immediate impact. We look forward to working alongside the federal and provincial governments, communities, schools and families as this critical program is launched. SNO is committed to helping ensure that kids have the healthy food they need to eat, learn and succeed.